Inspiration Engine 8 – Grunge and Writing

Inspiration Engine is a weekly post I do about blogs that have inspired something in my this week.

1. This post, “Good Music is Timeless” by Icepicks and Nukes. A thousand times yes.  It’s kids today reacting to Nirvana. It’s awesome and reminds me of how I felt when I was that age, when I first heard Smells Like Teen Spirit or, even more powerful, Black, by Pearl Jam.  One of the kids in the video said that rock has skewered into two waaay different directions right now, and not good ones.  I’d had that observation, but couldn’t tell if that was just me getting old or what. It was nice to be reinforced. 🙂

2. This post, “On Sherlocking,” by Drew Chial, focuses on an exercise to one might to to improve their writing and their character development. In my ever so humble opinion, good character development is right under there with “good writing” on the list of things that makes a piece good. I appreciate this suggestion to flex those muscles.

What do you think of these post?  Were there any that inspired you this week?


Okay, your turn.