To Hear The Poem of Creation

Remember the first time I traveled solo.

And I mean solo, really solo.  I had taken a trip to San Francisco by-myself-but-with-others with Team in Training to do the Nike Women’s Marathon, and that was pretty cool. I went with other people to appease worried family members. But, in the spring of ’08, before I started my Master’s that fall, I wanted to go abroad. The problem was, nobody wanted to go with me.  Rather, they did, but they didn’t have the money or the vacation time to do it, and they didn’t really have an interest in seeing what I wanted to see.

So I planned it.  I prepared for conversations to have with my family, did research on the places I wanted to see and my hosts on Couchsurfing.  I had back-up hostels picked out. I had good walking shoes. I had copies of my passport.  I found and booked the best and safest transportation options.

I set out in Oxford, my world’s possessions (for that week, anyway) strapped to my back. As I walked off the train, for the first time, I was in a completely foreign place.  A place I didn’t know, that didn’t know me.  We would discover each other, of course, but in that first walk from the train station, I was a completed unattached figure -no expectations, no demands, no pressure and no boundaries. Nothing.  I imagined myself on the planet with the winds of the universe howling around me.

The morning wind forever blows, the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears to hear it. (H.D. Thoreau)

I was hearing the poem of creation.

Firsts are special and important to celebrate.  Here are some other’s firsts:

  1. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: First! – Day at Work
  2. Daily Prompt: First! | Under the Monkey Tree
  3. Queen of the universe for a week | Now Have At It!
  4. away from home | Inkbelle
  5. The great obscurian novel | Beth Byrnes
  6. Daily Prompt : First ! | My Extraordinary Everyday Life
  7. It’s not first or last it’s whole Journey | મન ની વાત
  8. First Day Back | Mary Angelini Photography
  9. What’s Funny About Not Going To Kindergarten? | The Jittery Goat
  10. Daily Prompt: First! | veryvanessalynn
  11. Home. Sweet Home | Nature Activities
  12. Loading film into Zenit-8 camera | Bright Moments Catcher
  13. my first day as your mommy | wannabepoet
  14. Good walk | Nature Activities
  15. First day in WP (First Poem Posted) | ⓜ∈t•ⓐRVh∈∈•n✪iⓐ
  16. our bodies are made | y
  17. Pretty lady | Tess Arts
  18. Bottles | Tess Arts
  19. First | Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog
  20. “First!” | Relax
  21. Shopino of Belgorod Region, Russia. January 8, 2012 | Bright Moments Catcher
  22. First day post attack | alienorajt
  23. [Round Two O.C.T.O.B.E.R XXX] TBT pre-empt: “First!” | noah121weiss
  24. My First Day as a Submissive | submissivelysecret
  25. Always First | Tony’s Texts
  26. Daily Prompt/ First time seeing a Praying Mantis | sweetwildflower
  27. Да будет свет! |
  28. A good story | Life is great
  29. Ordering a drink in the buff… | thoughtsofrkh
  30. Daily Prompt: First! | Being a Huntress
  31. FIRST TAIL-COAT | Standing Ovation, Seated
  32. Hi Dad, it’s Marty! #6 | Neva Samaki
  33. A special day | Motherhood and Beyond
  34. Dawning of My Blog | tuckedintoacorner
  35. Daily Prompt: First! | The Story of a Guy
  36. Some firsts are better forgotten | Dear Yolandi
  37. Daily Prompt: First! | The Fountain
  38. Daily Prompt: First! | My Atheist Blog
  39. Prints on the Shore (Beginning) | photo potpourri
  40. My first time doing “public speaking” | I’m just Super Saiyan
  41. First Day of School | A mom’s blog
  42. how i found my visual handwriting | Between the lines
  43. [DAILY PROMPT] First. | hellofathia
  44. DP: First! | The Deepwater Goldfish